About the film
All about Principles of Curiosity

Principles of Curiosity is a free film from Skeptoid Media. It presents a general introduction to the foundations of scientific skepticism and critical thinking, focusing on a simple process we call the three Cs.
It is nonprofit, noncommercial, and licensed for free public and private screenings. It is provided with free educational materials for teachers, designed for high school through college. It is suitable for all audiences and includes English subtitles (more languages pending). Its 40-minute runtime should fit into most classes.
How to watch it
Enjoy it right now on YouTube. Want your own copy? If you use BitTorrent, you can download a torrent file here or use this magnet link. Seeding is much appreciated.
Get closed caption subtitle files here: English | Spanish
Who it's for
Everyone! It's not just for classrooms — it's also fun and entertaining for general audiences. Show at your Skeptics in the Pub night. Watch it at home with friends and family. Enjoy it on the train or plane. Most of all, share it with your friends who most need that dose of critical thinking!